
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Additions to CoffeeNOfilter with Denisha

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about global issues as well as issues locally. Here at CoffeeNOfilter, I've tried to steer away from certain topics. On the other hand, I think the issues that are going on in the world today need to be talked about more. As you all know, I have a lot to say about my personal life. You may not know that I also like to talk about world issues, and I'm big on World Peace. I have decided that I will start incorporating more news in my radio show, as well as on this blog.

Don't worry, I'm not giving up my regular segments and becoming strictly "news reporting radio". The topics will be as usually, what I like to talk about, what's pissing me off, or what needs more exposure in my opinion. I would like for you to share your opinions with me as well. What's going on in your community that should be talked about more..both positive and negative. The news shows a lot of negativity in the world, and it will be like that there's world peace.

On my blog, I would like you to contribute to what I want to call "weekly news reports". There's people that read my blog(s) from all over the world, and I don't know what's going on all over the world. If we could work together more, and try to make a difference in the community/globally, we will be on the path to world peace.

Are you excited?

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